WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013 (Full Show)

WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013 Full Shows/Videos Watch Online/Downloads | wWw.WWEShowz.Com

Title: WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
Category: WWE Main Event, Weeklies
Josh Mathews welcomes us to the show as Del Rio’s music hits. Del Rio will defend his World title against Christian at SummerSlam. The host of SummerSlam, The Miz, joins Mathews on commentary tonight. Cody Rhodes will face Mr. MITB Damien Sandow this Sunday.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes

Lock up, Rhodes trips Del Rio. ADR tries for the cross armbreaker, Cody gets away. Headlock on Rhodes. Cody gets out and nails a dropkick. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Cody for a pin. Del Rio sends him to the mat for a two. ADR grabs his mouth, applies another headlock. Cody hits a springboard dropkick from the ropes. Low slap, and a kick to the gut on Alberto. Rhodes connect with the Beautiful Disaster, Del Rio rolls out of the ring.


Rhodes kicks Del Rio. On the apron, ADR snaps the left arm sending Cody to the floor. Cody is sent into the barricade twice. Back in the ring, ADR focuses on that arm. Rhodes counters with some punches. Upside-down on the turnbuckle, Cody is kicked. They are both at the top, Cody elbows ADR down and nails a moonsault, both men down. Cody flips him over for a knee, two. Rhodes tries for Cross Rhodes, ADR gets out and hits an enziguri. ADR goes up top, Cody stops him. Rhodes hits another Beautiful Disaster, nearfall. Armbreaker from Del Rio. ADR tries for Cross Armbreaker. Reversed suplex for a two on Rhodes. Cody nails Cross Rhodes! Both are down once again. ADR sends Rhodes into the turnbuckle He locks in the Cross Armbreaker, Cody taps.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio – by submission (13:40)

Mathews and Miz discuss Punk, Heyman, and Lesnar. We get a video package. Punk says he owes his career to CM Punk. From MITB, they show Heyman slamming the ladder against Punk. Heyman says he betrayed him because without Paul Heyman, CM Punk is not the best in the world. Lesnar and Punk brawl (from three weeks ago). Punk says he’s not afraid of the monster. He wants The Best vs. The Beast. Heyman accepts the challenge. From Raw, Punk attacks Lesnar with a camera. The Best vs. The Beast takes place this Sunday at SummerSlam!

The Uso’s music hits for a tag team match. 3MB’s Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre will be in action.

The Uso’s vs. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre

Slater and Jimmy start. Lock up, headlock on Heath. Shoulderbloclk on Jimmy, clothesline to Slater for a one. Jey tagged in. Slater attacks Jey and tags Drew McIntyre. Drew stomps on Jey. Jimmy tagged in, roll up and a clothesline. Uppercut connects, big splash in the corner from Jimmy. He sends Drew out of the ring onto Slater and Mahal.


Slater is on the attack on the Uso. McIntyre tagged in. Jimmy slaps drew, tags Jey. Jey with the cover, works on the arm. Tag to Jimmy. They each hits drew, Jimmy kicks both Mahal and Slater, Drew boots Jimmy off the apron. Slater destroys Jimmy outside the ring. Cover and a two. Headlock applied from Slater. Slater nails a big kick on Jimmy for a two. Drew tagged. McIntyre kicks Jimmy in the corner. Pin, two. Slater back in. Jimmy tried to fight both men off. Drew back in. Samoan Drop by Jimmy Uso. Hot tags made to each. Jey comes in with kicks and slaps. USS-OO! Stinkface in the corner, Drew breaks the cover. Jimmy tagged in. Jey hops out of the ring onto Drew and Mahal as Jimmy nails the splash on Slater for the win.

Winners: The Uso’s – by pinfall (11:08)

Rob Van Dam will challenge Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship during the SummerSlam Kickoff Show an hour before the show starts Sunday night.

Raw Rebound: MizTV with John Cena and Daniel Bryan. Cena tells Bryan to think he’s a parody. Cena’s says he he’s knocked off Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton, CM punk, The Rock. Bryan says you act like they are better than me. Cena can’t put Bryan in the class with them. If Bryan is good enough to win the WWE title, he will earn Cena’s respect. Daniel says there it is, you don’t respect me. Bryan says in Japan, to get fired up for a match, they would slap their opponent across the face. Bryan wishes he could do that now, but Cena’s not a wrestler. Cena slaps Bryan across the face! This Sunday, John Cena will defend the WWE Championship against Daniel Bryan with Triple H as the special guest ref.

Big E Langston’s music hits. He is accompanied to the ring by Divas’s Champion AJ Lee. Big E faces Justin Gabriel after the break.

Big E Langston vs. Justin Gabriel

Lock up, Big E shoves Justin. Headlock on the mat, both in the corner. Gabriel slaps Big E across the chest, hits a dropkick. Langston slams Justin down and connects with the big splash. Abdominal stretch applied by Langston. Gabriel lands some punches and kicks. Big E hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two. Big E pulls Justin by the hair, chinlock locked in. Big club to the gut of Justin Gabriel. Big E slams Justin onto his knee three times. Justin moves from the big splash, kick in the corner. He rolls Langston up. Gabriel nails some kicks and a crossbody in the corner. Langston catches Gabriel, Justin reverses it for a DDT. Moonsault on Langston, nearfall! Forearms to Langston. Big E runs Justin over. Langston places Gabriel on his shoulder for the Big Ending for the victory.

Winner: Big E Langston – by pinfall (6:30)

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WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013 (Full Show)

WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013 Full Shows/Videos Watch Online/Downloads | wWw.WWEShowz.Com

Title: WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013
Category: WWE Main Event, Weeklies
Josh Mathews welcomes us to the show as Del Rio’s music hits. Del Rio will defend his World title against Christian at SummerSlam. The host of SummerSlam, The Miz, joins Mathews on commentary tonight. Cody Rhodes will face Mr. MITB Damien Sandow this Sunday.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Cody Rhodes

Lock up, Rhodes trips Del Rio. ADR tries for the cross armbreaker, Cody gets away. Headlock on Rhodes. Cody gets out and nails a dropkick. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Cody for a pin. Del Rio sends him to the mat for a two. ADR grabs his mouth, applies another headlock. Cody hits a springboard dropkick from the ropes. Low slap, and a kick to the gut on Alberto. Rhodes connect with the Beautiful Disaster, Del Rio rolls out of the ring.


Rhodes kicks Del Rio. On the apron, ADR snaps the left arm sending Cody to the floor. Cody is sent into the barricade twice. Back in the ring, ADR focuses on that arm. Rhodes counters with some punches. Upside-down on the turnbuckle, Cody is kicked. They are both at the top, Cody elbows ADR down and nails a moonsault, both men down. Cody flips him over for a knee, two. Rhodes tries for Cross Rhodes, ADR gets out and hits an enziguri. ADR goes up top, Cody stops him. Rhodes hits another Beautiful Disaster, nearfall. Armbreaker from Del Rio. ADR tries for Cross Armbreaker. Reversed suplex for a two on Rhodes. Cody nails Cross Rhodes! Both are down once again. ADR sends Rhodes into the turnbuckle He locks in the Cross Armbreaker, Cody taps.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio – by submission (13:40)

Mathews and Miz discuss Punk, Heyman, and Lesnar. We get a video package. Punk says he owes his career to CM Punk. From MITB, they show Heyman slamming the ladder against Punk. Heyman says he betrayed him because without Paul Heyman, CM Punk is not the best in the world. Lesnar and Punk brawl (from three weeks ago). Punk says he’s not afraid of the monster. He wants The Best vs. The Beast. Heyman accepts the challenge. From Raw, Punk attacks Lesnar with a camera. The Best vs. The Beast takes place this Sunday at SummerSlam!

The Uso’s music hits for a tag team match. 3MB’s Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre will be in action.

The Uso’s vs. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre

Slater and Jimmy start. Lock up, headlock on Heath. Shoulderbloclk on Jimmy, clothesline to Slater for a one. Jey tagged in. Slater attacks Jey and tags Drew McIntyre. Drew stomps on Jey. Jimmy tagged in, roll up and a clothesline. Uppercut connects, big splash in the corner from Jimmy. He sends Drew out of the ring onto Slater and Mahal.


Slater is on the attack on the Uso. McIntyre tagged in. Jimmy slaps drew, tags Jey. Jey with the cover, works on the arm. Tag to Jimmy. They each hits drew, Jimmy kicks both Mahal and Slater, Drew boots Jimmy off the apron. Slater destroys Jimmy outside the ring. Cover and a two. Headlock applied from Slater. Slater nails a big kick on Jimmy for a two. Drew tagged. McIntyre kicks Jimmy in the corner. Pin, two. Slater back in. Jimmy tried to fight both men off. Drew back in. Samoan Drop by Jimmy Uso. Hot tags made to each. Jey comes in with kicks and slaps. USS-OO! Stinkface in the corner, Drew breaks the cover. Jimmy tagged in. Jey hops out of the ring onto Drew and Mahal as Jimmy nails the splash on Slater for the win.

Winners: The Uso’s – by pinfall (11:08)

Rob Van Dam will challenge Dean Ambrose for the United States Championship during the SummerSlam Kickoff Show an hour before the show starts Sunday night.

Raw Rebound: MizTV with John Cena and Daniel Bryan. Cena tells Bryan to think he’s a parody. Cena’s says he he’s knocked off Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton, CM punk, The Rock. Bryan says you act like they are better than me. Cena can’t put Bryan in the class with them. If Bryan is good enough to win the WWE title, he will earn Cena’s respect. Daniel says there it is, you don’t respect me. Bryan says in Japan, to get fired up for a match, they would slap their opponent across the face. Bryan wishes he could do that now, but Cena’s not a wrestler. Cena slaps Bryan across the face! This Sunday, John Cena will defend the WWE Championship against Daniel Bryan with Triple H as the special guest ref.

Big E Langston’s music hits. He is accompanied to the ring by Divas’s Champion AJ Lee. Big E faces Justin Gabriel after the break.

Big E Langston vs. Justin Gabriel

Lock up, Big E shoves Justin. Headlock on the mat, both in the corner. Gabriel slaps Big E across the chest, hits a dropkick. Langston slams Justin down and connects with the big splash. Abdominal stretch applied by Langston. Gabriel lands some punches and kicks. Big E hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two. Big E pulls Justin by the hair, chinlock locked in. Big club to the gut of Justin Gabriel. Big E slams Justin onto his knee three times. Justin moves from the big splash, kick in the corner. He rolls Langston up. Gabriel nails some kicks and a crossbody in the corner. Langston catches Gabriel, Justin reverses it for a DDT. Moonsault on Langston, nearfall! Forearms to Langston. Big E runs Justin over. Langston places Gabriel on his shoulder for the Big Ending for the victory.

Winner: Big E Langston – by pinfall (6:30)

Watch Online/Download WWE Main Event 8/14/2013 - 14th August 2013 HD,SD,HDTV on Youtube, Dailymotion, Putlocker, Google Picasa, NowVideo, YouWatch, .... Part 1,2,3,4,5,... Full Parts/Episodes.

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